Map needs an initial capacity.
Construct a new map from an associative array of key, value pairs.
Constructs a map that can hold at most capacity elements.
Create a copy of other map.
Create a map from a Value.
Create a Map using the given mg_map.
Create a Map from a copy of the given mg_map.
Destructor. Destroys the internal mg_map.
Remove given key from map. Return: true if key was removed, false otherwise.
Compares this map with other. Return: true if same, false otherwise.
Compares this map with an associative array of key, value pairs. Return: true if same, false otherwise.
Returns the value associated with the given key. If the given key does not exist, an empty Value is returned. Returns the value associated with the given key.
Move to the next element in the list range.
Return pointer to internal mg_map.
Return a printable string representation of this map.
Checks if the map as range is empty.
Returns the next element in the map range.
Sized sequence of pairs of keys and values. Maximum possible map size allowed by Bolt protocol is uint.max.
Map may contain a mixture of different types as values. A map owns all keys and values stored in it.
Can be used like a standard D hash map (because it is one under the hood).